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Arusha National Park

The closest national park to Arusha town – northern Tanzania’s safari capital – Arusha National Park is a multi-faceted jewel, often overlooked by safari goers, despite offering the opportunity to explore a beguiling diversity of habitats within a few hours.

The small national park includes the slopes, summit, and ash cone of Mt. Meru, the Momella Lakes, Ngurdoto Crater, and the lush highland forests that blanket its lower slopes. Game viewing around the Momella Lakes is at a laid-back and quiet pace, and while passing through the forest many visitors stop to search for troupes of colobus monkeys playing in the canopy.

Best to know in Arusha National Park

 .The rich tapestry of flora and fauna it supports.

 .The Arusha National Park and Arusha town derive their name from the Wa-Arusha people who traditionally lived in this area.

 .Until 1967 this was known as Ngurdoto Crater National Park.

 .It has three distinct zones that defines its beauty and variety.

The Momella Lakes :

 .shallow alkaline lakes fed by underground streams.

 .Has thousands of lesser and greater flamingos as well as migratory birds (between April and October).

 .Each of the lakes has a different hue.

The Ngurdoto Crater :

 .aka “mini-Ngorongoro” has a diameter of 3km.

 .descending into a volcanic bowl supporting a multitude of wildlife in lush swamp vegetation.

 . One has a superb view from the rim of this crater.

Mt Meru:

 .Tanzania’s second highest peak at 4,566m.

 .Mt Meru Crater is one of the most spectacular landscapes in Tanzania and is thus the highpoint of a visit here.

 .Both Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru can be seen from the park.

  •  . An area of 137 sq km, at 1500 metres above sea level upto 4500 metres at the summit of Mr. Meru.

     .Northeast of the country, east of the Ngorongoro Crater, near the town of Arusha National Park.

     .Not far from the border with Kenya.

     .This park lies between the peaks of Mt. Kilimanjaro and Mt. Meru.

     .21 km from Arusha town.

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